Sunday, February 3, 2008

Do we think about the Cosmos?

How many times would we have thought about whats outside our world? I wonder if some of us would even realize that we are living in just a small speck of dust found in an infinitely large expanding universe. I always think that we have evolved to be entangled within a web of humanly complex activities unable to reach outside and foolishly limiting our envelope of knowledge by what we think as important to our daily needs. I dont want to mull over in detail, but the core idea is that we live our daily lives for things created by humans, i.e something very artificial and totally unrelated to nature like money, savings, jobs, cars everything.

I asked this question "How many times have you ever thought about the origin of universe" to my col friends Arun, Param and Kumar when on a trip back to NJ. I in fact was named "mokka" Manoj for asking this and lot of other questions :). I received mixed reactions but bottom line is not much at all. My point is we dont really understand whats happening! Do we understand big bang? Do we know that our universe according to recent theories can have more than 4 dimensions? Or do we know that its been stated around 100 years ago itself that our space-time is curved? Nopes.. sadly we dont.

So as we take away some part of our time for spirutuality, religion, meditation or worship, I would like to ask people to think about our cosmos. Probably, when you walk outside your house or look out through the window, try to observe how beautiful the stars are or why is that we see the same face of the moon or whats behind a supernova explosion or a asteroid shower n sooo on...


Soultan of Swing said...

Profound stuff man!

vijay said...

the point no one realises is tht mystries of the universe have been answered a long time back by ancient vedic philosophy.

Now scientises are trying to reinvent it in a different way. You can clearly find the answers to mordern paradox like quantum entaglement and unifiedd field in vedic hindu philosphy.

The oneness of everything and the concept of parama purusha or unified consiousness is explained clearly in vedic scriptures.